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Kamis, 29 November 2012

how to install WampServer2.1e

Maybe some people already know how to install WampServer but did not rule there are some who do not understand how to install WampServer. But do not be discouraged for those who do not know, I'll explain how to WampServer installed a reader on your computer or laptop.

Step - Step Install WamServer2.1e:

1. Double click the file that has been installed earlier.
2. After that, click the Run button if it appears.
3. Click image YES so open windows instalisasi, seeperti shown in figure 1.1 in this window can we know WamServer2.1e
  This has the following specifications:

    - Apache Versi 2.2.17 
    - MySQL versi 5.5.8
    - PHP versi 5.3.5
    - PHPMyadmin versi 3.3.9
                                      Figure 1.1 Initial Installation Information WampServer2.1e

Specifications on the already covers for CMS Joomla 1.6.x needs to be able to run well at localhost.

4. Click the NEXT button on the License Agreement window appears Figure 1.2 below:

                                                        Figure 1.2 Page License Agreement

5.Click Option I Accept the agreement and click the Next button:

                                                     Figure 1.3 Select Destination Location

In this window, you specify the location of the folder where the files WampServer2 .. 1.e later. The default is c: \ you can just change it by typing a location or manner other mengeklick Browser button .. a buddy want.

6. Then click the Next button so it appears Select Addition Tasks as shown in Figure 1.4
Please click the box check box, the Quick Lunch and Desktop. This would enable it to turn WamServer2.1.e later.

                                                 Figure 1.4 Select Additional Tasks page

7. Click Next Note on the window that appears:

                                                      Gambar 1.5 Halaman Ready to Instal

This window just tell that WamServer2.1.e anyone to install.

8. Click the install button to execute. Wait a buddy for a while until the installation displays the following window:

                                                       Figure 1.6 The installation process

9. If you look at just click YES

                                                                      so it appears

                                           Figure 1.8 Installing selasai buddy WamServer2.1e

Congratulations my friend has successfully installed the application WamServer2.1e. Seen in the picture above, the choice of lunch WampServer 2 now being selected if diklick the finish. WampServer2.1e automatically be activated immediately. Users will appear Conterol Windows 7.

10. Click the YES button. will soon be active, characterized by the emergence of the icon to the right of the Windows taskbar Wamserver2.1e note mate in the image below:

                                              Figure 1.9 icon on the taskbar WamSerever2.1e

11. Klick Icon WampSever2.1e so that your menu list appears dapet wear desired or you need the web, activate and deactivate the feature WampServer2.1e.

12. Buddy can examine whether Apche server, PHP and MySQL database is active and running properly or not, make sure the page that appears is as follows:

                                                     Figure 1.10 WampServer2.1e goes well

Each time you use a CMS joomla on localhost, make sure WampServer2.1e been activated first so dapet look like the picture above.

vidio install WampServer2.1e

 You can get the software below you ..!!

Senin, 19 November 2012

Stunning XKX Jaguar

Source :
  •  google.com
  • www.beautifullife.info

Minggu, 04 November 2012

How to Keep to Your Diet

Writing down what you eat is one basic principle. A second principle is to read the food labels. Make sure your grocery items include a lot of fiber and little fat, that equates to a lot of vegetables, fruits, peas and beans and low fat dairy products.


  1. Eat a snack if you're starting to get hungry but have a few hours till dinner / lunch - especially important around 4pm, when you're between lunch and dinner. If you wait and starve yourself you will be more likely to overeat or eat too fast at dinner.

  2. Do not buy non-diet foods. If it's not in the house, you cannot eat it.If you need a treat and have earned it (by eating well or exercising, not having a bad day) go out and buy one cookie. Don't keep a bag of special treat cookies in the house, they only convince you that you deserve one when you don't. And yes, when you deserve one, have one. Or better yet, think of a way you can treat yourself that has nothing to do with food!

  3. Understand that if you are engaging in an activity that you usually snack during, find something to do with your hands instead of eating. Take up knitting, learn to sew, write those thank-you cards, anything to keep you from munching mindlessly while you watch TV, etc.

  4. Remember if you eat bar peanuts compulsively, sit away from the bowl. You will be less likely to reach over someone else to get to them. Find fun exercise. Join a cool gym that has fun classes, enroll in a dance class with friends, go somewhere beautiful to walk. Get friends to do it with you so that you have company and moral support and someone to hold you accountable, or, walk a dog if you really need someone to remind you to go outside twice a day.

  5. Know that if you are really craving something, like M&M's, just eat a few. Don't try to satisfy the urge by eating everything else in the house. You will never feel as satisfied and will probably overeat. If you are compulsive, have a trusted friend dole out two to you and stick to it!

  6. Eat more dense foods like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, these foods will curb your cravings. These foods are very healthy for you, so you do not have to worry about gains. Do not eat them cooked, eat them raw.(cooking vegetables removes the density of it.)

  7. Make sure to drink plenty of water! 8 glasses a day! Sometimes when you are dehydrated you compensate by eating when really your body just needs water.


  • Disregard anyone or any ad that says that there is a quick fix.
  • Don't think of it as a diet, think about it as a lifestyle choice.
  • Think about how much junk you're eating on a daily basis; if you eat 5 bars of chocolate a day, cut down to four the first day, then 3 the next, etc. then replace your unhealthy snacks with fruit!
  • Stay AWAY from the unhealthy sections in the supermarket. Better yet, if you can, order your food online when you've made a list of food and checked with the helpers at the supermarket that they think it's healthy. They'll be happy to help, and there's always websites on the internet to help you too.
  • Think about how good you'll look after, and more importantly- how you'll feel. If you're dealing with an unhealthy lifestyle, things are going to be harder.
  • .running
  • .blood circulation
  • .nasty comments
  • .and even walking because of your breathing! Yes, if you eat more healthily you will be able to breathe better.
  • Take up a sport:
  • .jogging
  • .running
  • .football
  • .tennis
  • .swimming
  • .walking
  • Believe in your self! You're doing this for YOU. If you're doing it for someone else you are not doing it for the right reasons.
Source :  www.wikihow.com